Use "extrapolate|extrapolated|extrapolates|extrapolating" in a sentence

1. You can't extrapolate from Shanghai or Beijing.

2. There's more work to do and much to extrapolate.

3. It is possible to extrapolate future developments from current trends.

4. You can extrapolate these findings to any tumors in the body.

5. We extrapolate backwards and say the galaxy is up here.

6. Simple extrapolate method is used toforecast the increase of electric vehicle.

7. You can't really extrapolate a trend from such a small sample.

8. Binodal curve model cannot be easily extrapolated to the hundreds of ILATPS described in literature

9. Therefore, it is inadvisable to extrapolate from those studies to disadvantaged populations.

10. I'm also extrapolating from the online portfolio you forgot to log off, but it's mostly the muffins.

11. Sea - bottom reverberations would extrapolate back - wards in time to a zero member.

12. 104. The Court has repeatedly accepted that sampling results may be extrapolated.

13. They use an intricate formula to extrapolate how many are snakes inhabiting an area.

14. GIS software is utilized to index resulting data and to extrapolate soil erosion sensitivity analysis.

15. After re-working the foundations of classical geometry, Hilbert could have extrapolated to the rest of mathematics.

16. Bollocks refers to something that is just ridiculously wrong, often extrapolated to defend some other claim

17. They extrapolate that to say I'm choosing to kill people. It's not like that.

18. Vandenbergh is cognizant of the difficulty of extrapolating data from rodents and lower animals to humans.

19. One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.

20. With it, we were able to extrapolate a basic idea of what this fucker looked like.

21. It's Model Biological Systems 101 : study an animal that's easy to study, and then extrapolate.

22. 23 Extrapolating his results to the entire Nature Reserve, Onyeanusi estimated that the actual loss of biomass was low.

23. The endplay in the master bearing assembly is ascertained by extrapolating the deflection to zero thrust force.

24. the extrapolated MRLs result in the Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake (TMDI) not exceeding the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI);

25. To determine the human dose - response curve, one must extrapolate down from the high - dose laboratory data.

26. No one asks male thriller readers questions about their reading and extrapolates from that to their political state of health.

27. Literally it means beyond the walls. extrapolate To estimate on the basis of certain known variables.

28. Generally Helen would extrapolate on one of the more testing programmes coming out of her department.

29. Use test results obtained with one raw material to extrapolate the ultimate anaerobic degradability of structurally related surfactants.

30. The incubation time can also be extrapolated from the characteristic time following adjustment for load amplitude.

31. How far is it reasonable to extrapolate these results to the non-poor is a highly debatable point.

32. Risk assessment for effects on the nervous system have been made by extrapolating from dose-response relationships for methylmercury.

33. The concept established a theoretical basis for studying chemical processes in bacteria and extrapolating those processes to higher organisms.

34. The actual transmission channel type can be extrapolated from the percentage of data packets having metric zero.

35. Look at the amount of customization that was required versus what was expected, and use that to extrapolate implementation costs.

36. Based on the data, the team extrapolates that at least 5% of all sunlike stars across the Milky Way currently harbor rocky planets.

37. I can extrapolate this deduction to other vertebrates but an arthropod has different reactions and an utterly different nervous system.

38. 10y Breakevens are back to levels last seen in 2014 (Chart 1) and have been higher during 2011-2013 suggesting caution in extrapolating a shift in …

39. Extrapolating from available data on equity prospectuses approximately 700 prospectuses per year could benefit from the alleviated disclosure regime for secondary issuances.

40. Now to extrapolate from this example to a general argument that familiarity of a subject is a disadvantage would clearly be absurd.

41. Producers are Cautioning people about extrapolating one month's worth of data, but it's a pretty large jump on a year-over-year basis

42. This way, they can show value quickly and then extrapolate those benefits to bigger projects and to all the other groups.

43. From that, he extrapolates that maybe 5 percent of coronavirus patients are being Autopsied across the country “and that’s generous.” Story continues below advertisement There are some good

44. 22 Extrapolating this knowledge to a 10-ton dinosaur, they calculated that a one-degree rise in body temperature would take some 86 hours.

45. The recommendations for chemoprophylaxis regimens have been extrapolated from treatment guidelines for acute GAS pharyngitis and evidence from clinical trials for the eradication of pharyngeal GAS colonization.

46. The accrued benefit cost method with salary projection was used and the liabilities have been extrapolated to March 31, 2007 using a formula provided by the actuary.

47. Since the Nielson report only shows data for a specific point in time, there's not really much else we can extrapolate from the numbers.

48. These deployable Bollards were third-party tested to the highest ASTM F-3016-19 rating, and the results engineer-calculated and extrapolated to the lower S20 and S10 levels.

49. Extrapolating from the sample to the entire population, the study estimates that Cooperatives account for nearly $654B in revenue, >2M jobs, $75B in wages and benefits paid, and a total of

50. The Airforce project developed methodologies to enable the automatic extraction of sets of important parameters from a sea of data and extrapolate results on departure data with only limited information.

51. In addition, when the heat pipes are extrapolated onto the absorber, heat can be transferred more effectively by increasing contact surface area with between the absorber and the heat pipes.

52. Backcasting is a business planning method in which future desired conditions are envisioned and steps are then defined to attain those conditions, rather than taking steps that are merely a continuation of present methods extrapolated into the future

53. In linguistics, the Comparative method is a technique for studying the development of languages by performing a feature-by-feature comparison of two or more languages with common descent from a shared ancestor and then extrapolating backwards to infer the properties of that ancestor.

54. K: supplementary force of control device, conventionally designated by the force D corresponding to the point of intersection with the axis of the abscissae of the extrapolated curve expressing P' in terms of D, measured with the device in the mid-travel position (see Figures # and # of Appendix # to this annex

55. K: supplementary force of control device, conventionally designated by the force D corresponding to the point of intersection with the axis of the abscissae of the extrapolated curve expressing P′ in terms of D, measured with the device in the mid-travel position (see Figures 2 and 3 of Appendix 1);

56. Now, I'm not a scientist, but atmospheric scientists will look for traces in the air chemistry in geology, a bit like how rocks can oxidize, and they'll extrapolate that information and aggregate it, such that they can pretty much form a recipe for the air at different times.

57. supplementary force of control device, conventionally designated by the force D corresponding to the point of intersection with the axis of the abscissae of the extrapolated curve expressing P′ in terms of D, measured with the device in the mid-travel position (see Figures 2 and 3 of Appendix 1 to this annex);

58. K : supplementary force of control device, conventionally designated by the force D corresponding to the point of intersection with the axis of the abscissae of the extrapolated curve expressing P′ in terms of D, measured with the device in the mid-travel position (see Figures 2 and 3 of Appendix 1);

59. supplementary force of control device, conventionally designated by the force D corresponding to the point of intersection with the axis of the abscissae of the extrapolated curve expressing P' in terms of D, measured with the device in the mid-travel position (see Figures 2 and 3 of appendix 1 to this annex);

60. supplementary force of control device, conventionally designated by the force D corresponding to the point of intersection with the axis of the abscissae of the extrapolated curve expressing P' in terms of D, measured with the device in the mid-travel position (see Figures 2 and 3 of Appendix 1 to this annex);